Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Designer for Kate's Green Frilled Shrug has been ID'd!

If you're like me, you've been dying to know which designer makes Kate's Green Frilled Shrug!

It is by the Amercian luxury knitware brand Minnie Rose http://www.minnierose.com/ The company specializes in cashmere dusters, shawls and sweaters.

Similar styles can be purchased at Saks 5th Avenue, Neiman Marcus and Amazon.com


  1. I contacted Minnie Rose regarding the adorable green shrug. They said they no longer carry it and are doubtful it is theirs to begin with. Their shawls are considerably larger than the one Kate was wearing. Wonder if there is any way to find out for sure who made the shawl.

  2. Thanks for info. I will contact Minnie Rose and do some further research. If I come up with any new info, I will definitely keep you posted :)

  3. Donna Ida - a store in the UK that sells Minnie Rose posted about Kate's Shawl on their Facebook Site - I will enclose the link to it http://www.facebook.com/minnierosesweaters#!/notes/donna-ida/waitrose-kate/10150169136132582

    This is what they posted "The newest addition to the Royal Family, Kate Middleton was spotted shopping at Waitrose recently wearing a pine Minnie Rose cashmere ruffle shawl. This shawl is a favourite of all of us girls at Donna Ida, and we’re glad to see Kate is keeping on trend even at the supermarket!

    Pop into one of our stores to get your very own. The shawls are also available in cotton, perfect for the warmer summer days."

    They go on to say that they no longer have the 'pine' color that Kate wore but they have other colors.

    I am also enclosing a link to the Donna Ida Blog which basically says the same thing as I posted above http://www.donnaida.com/blog/celeb-style-watch/waitrose-kate

  4. I also found this on the Minnie Rose Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/minnierosesweaters/posts/207152885991641

    "Yes that's right! Kate Middleton was spotted wearing our Cashmere Ruffle Shawl! Soooooo exciting!!"

  5. April EichelbergerJuly 8, 2011 at 10:50 AM

    If you go to etsy.com, and look up JasmineCreations, she makes 100% cashmere shrugs exactly like Kate wore. And it's only $165!!!
